Local News

New Curtains Installed at the PAC

Jul 20, 2016

Following a successful fundraising campaign by the Omak Performing Arts Center Foundation, an array of new curtains was installed this month in the PAC.

Theater director and Omak drama teacher Nicole Leese says that the installation involved some 25 new drapes in all. While changes are subtle, Leese says the most noticeable change is a red velvet “grand valance,” in addition to the red front curtains which are a hallmark of the PAC.  Discerning audience members may be aware of other changes. They may notice a brighter look when colored lights shine on background drapes such as the scrim. The scrim appears opaque when a scene in front is lighted and transparent or translucent when a scene in back is lighted. The theater, built in 1989, was originally equipped with a tan scrim. The new one is white.

Leese explains that "white takes on color better." A change in fabric for another drape, called a cyclorama, will also make colors brighter, cleaner and fresher.

Replacing the curtains became a necessity when it was determined they were nearing the end of their fire-retardant life. Omak school superintendent Eric Swanson set August 2016 as the deadline for replacing them, and the PAC Foundation launched a drive to raise the necessary $60,000.

Foundation president Greg Grillo notes that “the foundation's mission is to share the financial burden of the PAC's upkeep. He says that “hosting a wide range of theatrical and cultural events enriches the lives of everyone in our region. So the support of our community allows us to continue that tradition by properly maintaining this remarkable treasure."

Grillo says a matching challenge grant by the Okanogan-Omak Rotary Club of $25,000 was instrumental in helping the foundation meet its goal.

Stagecraft Industries of Portland provided the curtains and a team of two installers. Installation required two full days.


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