Local News

Recount Ordered in Okanogan Commissioner Race

Nov 28, 2012

Okanogan County elections department workers are preparing for a manual recount of ballots in the very tight race for County Commissioner. The election was certified on Tuesday with two-term incumbant Commissioner Bud Hover falling 10 votes short of re-election to challenger, Ray Campbell.

County elections supervisor, Mila it's the first time since the 2004 Governor's election that a recount has been conducted in Okanogan County. Ballots will begin being sorted today with the hand recount beginning on Monday.
Jury said hopefully they will be able to begin at 9am on Monday, but that will depend on whether or not they get all of the ballots sorted by precinct. She said she would know more by Friday, after she sees how the process is going.

Originally the margin was just 8 votes between the two candidates, but Jury said there were an additional 26 ballots that were counted before yesterday's certification. She said those were ballots where there was a question on the signature, but the voters do have time to cure that issue.

Jury says voter turnout in the November 6th election was over 80 percent.

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