Local News

Survey Seeks to Identify Attitudes and Perceptions about Teens, Alcohol, Marijuana and More

Oct 04, 2014

As an ongoing effort to identify community attitudes and perceptions about underage alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drug use, the What’s Right? RRAD (Republic Reducing Alcohol and Drug use) Coalition is conducting a large-scale survey. Results from the survey help RRAD identify priority issues and select prevention strategies.

Community members, age 18 and older, are encouraged to take the survey online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/REPXON to provide valuable feedback.  Last year’s survey identified that adults thought alcohol use, marijuana use, and prescription drug abuse were a serious problem in our community.

This year’s survey will include expanded questions relating to retail marijuana, as a result of the legalization of the drug for adults, 21 years of age and older. Research about alcohol and tobacco use in teens indicates that when a drug is legally available to adults, teen use increases due to the ready availability of the drug. Teen access to and use of retail marijuana is a serious concern for RRAD.

Anyone interested in becoming involved in the work of the coalition is invited to attend the monthly coalition meetings held the first Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. at the Republic Presbyterian Church, 605 S. Keller Street or to contact Janine Koffel, Coalition Coordinator, at (509) 207-9174. Updates on coalition activities are also provided on the What’s Right? RRAD Coalition Facebook page.

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