Local News

Traffic Safety Grant Brings Police Agencies Together for Prom Patrol.

May 12, 2016

Omak Police Dept. together with Washington State Patrol, and Washington Fish and Wildlife Enforcement conducted emphasis patrols for Omak and Okanogan proms on Saturday May 7th. Strategies used during the night included: a walk-thru at each prom, monitoring social media for parties, and monitoring campgrounds and other areas like the Omak water towers where 19 yr. old Samuel Scroggins, 18 yr. old Mario Godina-Hernandez, and 18 yr. old James Sandoval along with a 16 yr. old juvenile male were found with 1/5 of Jack Daniels, a flask of hard alcohol, marijuana, marijuana oil, and a pipe.  All four were cited for Minor in Possession and face fines, time in juvenile detention, and loss of their drivers’ license.

According to Stacey Okland, project coordinator for Okanogan County Community Coalition, funding from Washington Traffic Safety Commission will bring Omak Police Dept., Washington State Patrol, and Washington Fish & Wildlife Enforcement back together again during Memorial Day weekend where we anticipate finding more kids making healthy decisions than not because most kids in our community choose not to use marijuana and alcohol, so we encourage parents to offer kids sober alternatives during times like prom, graduation, and holidays. Parents can also lock up their own alcohol and marijuana, have strict rules about use, and call 911 if they suspect someone is providing alcohol or marijuana to someone under 21 years old.

For more information on how to talk to your kids about alcohol and marijuana visit okcommunity.org.


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